HMF Newsletters and Questions & Answers
Proposed HMF FUNDING Process


Paradigm Shift in the H. MARTIN FOUNDATION’s Funding Process (click to download)

Solution to Economic Problems: CREATION OF JOBS through the Implementation of Humanitarian Programs & Projects to be funded by HMF

What do you have to do to get a government grant?

  • You must make an application, and submit your project proposal. 
    • A long and arduous process with no guarantee of approval
    • Too much competition because of limited funds


  • The government has regulations and terms for you to get the grant.  You don’t have any say in the terms or conditions.  “Take it or leave it”.
  • Even if a grant is approved, you may get a lesser amount than you applied for and it could take months to actually receive the funds.
  • Government grants are limited. Funding is based on available budget designated for the city or community.  (This creates competition against all of the other project holders who are trying to get a portion of the same funds.)
  • Even if you get the grant, you must reapply again the following year and go through the entire process again with no guarantee of receiving the needed amount.

What do you have to do to get donations or raise funds?

  • You must file as a 501(c) 3 organization.
  • You must make your organizations and its purpose known to your community which requires time, money and efforts.
  • Your operation is limited by the amount of donations you receive
  • The future capability of your organization is limited at best because of the uncertainty of the amount and flow of raised funds.
  • A large portion of your time is spent in fund raising instead of your time being dedicated to your project
  • So many fees to pay such as consultant fees, venue fees, and other expenses for fund raising events


What do you have to do to be funded by the H. MARTIN FOUNDATION?

  • Align your organization with the Vision of the H. MARTIN FOUNDATION
  • Think in terms of unlimited funds but limited time.
  • Free yourself from being concerned about your operational expenses such as: salaries and benefits for administrative staff and volunteers, facilities, administration fees, office equipment, training, transportation, etc. when you implement your project all over the United States of America, and other countries thereafter.
  • Switch from the idea of submitting your project proposal to LEADING it.
  • Have the mind set of cooperation instead of competition. (Instead of competing against other organizations, work with them to develop a complete Model Projectto come up with “One Budget”).  This is to streamline the HMF’s funding process.
  • Organize the people in your groups to do their Petition for the establishment of HMF in collaboration with the US Government in your state, city, or community, which is in the HMF website.
  • Be confident that your efforts based on your performance will result in your project being funded perpetually and an appointment to a Position of Trustin the H. MARTIN FOUNDATION, the FUNDING entity.
  • ONCE YOU PARTICIPATE AT THIS TIME to create a wholistic MODEL PROJECT in the area of Education, Health, Housing, Livelihood, etc.
    • Your project will be among the first to be funded without worrying about your administrative and operational expensesThe funding by HMF includes salary with complete benefits for ALL volunteers and administrative staff. The implementation of your projects through the FUNDING BY HMF, WILL CREATE THE MUCH NEEDED JOBS ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
    • You will receive all benefits afforded to all HMF family members, such as Free Childcare and Before / After School Programs and Scholarship Program to all members of your family, complete healthcare benefits, etc.
    • You may serve as one of the spokespersons of the MODEL PROJECT you co-created.
    • You can earn a POSITION OF TRUST in the H. MARTIN FOUNDATION as:
      • Member of the “Screening Committee” for future project leaders with the same or similar projects. (You know what works and what doesn’t work) or
      • Supervisory or Advisory Board Member for that particular project you co-created or
      • Be a part of the HMF Decision-Making Body on the allocation of funds for the projects depending on the needs of the community. You will have a voice as to how HMF funds are going to be disbursed and in setting up the standard terms and conditions, procedures and regulations based on your experiences in the implementation of your project.  
      • NOW IT’S YOUR CHOICEHere is a God-given opportunity for you to rise up as a Humanitarian Leader and be a part of the International Main Headquarters of HMF.
  • You can now fully enjoy running your organization and focus not only on providing quality servicesto help people, but also creating jobs when you implement your dream project globally.


THINK ABOUT IT!! Regardless of the methods you undertake, you will have to put in a lot of time and effort. ( i.e. WORK).

But…the question is, which end result do you want in return for your efforts? YOU CHOOSE!!!                                           

A Project of:    H. MARTIN FOUNDATION  


Current HMF Humanitarian Newsletter (click to see)
Past HMF Humanitarian Newsletters (click to see)



To see the past HMF Newsletters, please click your selection below:

June 2010 Newsletter

April - May 2010 Newsletter

March 2010 Newsletter


HMF Questions and Answers (click to see)

Frequently Asked Questions

To see more FAQ's on the Evolution and History of HMF, please click this line

1. Why do you want to do all these Programs? What's in it for you?

   • H. MARTIN FOUNDATION Far East Humanitarian Services is committed to provide humanitarian services and create jobs through the implementation of humanitarian programs and projects for the development of each and every country. The Founder’s Vision is for the people all over the world to have “Life in Its Fullness”.

2. They have been promising this dream for years, but never delivered on the promise.

   • It took years to find co-leaders and put the programs together. We are now ready with the requirements for collaboration with the Government of the United States of America, and other countries thereafter.

3. If you have all this money, why don't you have an office, paid staff and a budget?

   • H. MARTIN FOUNDATION Far East Humanitarian Services' assets are huge. We can't bring the funds out in increments. Collaboration with the Government of the United States of America and Governments of the different countries of the world is important to expedite the implementation.

4. Some organizations have taken people's information and were never heard from again.

   • We can only speak for H. MARTIN FOUNDATION Far East Humanitarian Services. You will hear from us or about us in the implementation, once the collaboration process is completed.

5. Why haven't you funded any project like Haiti, Katrina, Tsunami, or Chile disasters?

   • H. MARTIN FOUNDATION Far East Humanitarian Services-USA., the International Main HQ is not established yet. Due to the magnitude of H. MARTIN FOUNDATION Far East Humanitarian Services' programs and assets, Government collaboration is important for implementation.

6. What if the Government declines to collaborate?

    • H. MARTIN FOUNDATION Far East Humanitarian Services' Programs will make a POSITIVE IMPACT on the economy and lives of many. Our Government will make this happen if people CLAMOR for it. Your voice is important. Appeal to your Government.

7. This is a scam. Don't fall for it.

   • H. MARTIN FOUNDATION Far East Humanitarian Services' integrity is shown by the fact we don't accept fees or donations and we asked you to contact your Congressman/Congresswoman or government to verify our legitimacy.

8. What about the claims that HMF has been linked to fraudulent activities?

   • They're just claims. People misconstrued it as the original H. MARTIN FOUNDATION Far East Humanitarian Services because of COPYCAT HMFs posing as the original and representatives of the Founder.

9. You say there are HMF copycats posing as the original HMF, how do we know you are the real HMF?

   • The Original H. MARTIN FOUNDATION Far East Humanitarian Services does not accept donations or charge fees. As the old saying goes "the proof of the pudding is in the eating."

   • H. MARTIN FOUNDATION Far East Humanitarian Services' authenticity is shown by the fact that we asked you to contact Congress to jump-start the collaboration.

10. This may be the New World Order /One World Government.

   • H. MARTIN FOUNDATION Far East Humanitarian Services is purely humanitarian service with no political affiliations or aspirations. H. MARTIN FOUNDATION Far East Humanitarian Services' Vision is to make "Life in its Fullness" attainable to all.

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